You have two choices on how to donate and support NJPRF:

One hundred percent of donations received online by NJPRF will be used to fight the medical, social, and economic impact of COVID-19 on New Jersey’s most vulnerable.
Thanks to the incredible generosity of individuals, organizations and businesses across the state, NJPRF continues to award grants to charities and agencies fighting food insecurity and addressing the social welfare, healthcare, education, sexual assault and other crucial needs of vulnerable New Jerseyans most impacted by the pandemic.

NJPRF will be creating Campaigns for much needed supplies for people, families and organizations throughout the entire state of New Jersey.
For example: The need for diapers and menstrual products for low income families in New Jersey was acute prior to COVID-19. The onset of the Pandemic exacerbated the problem. NJPRF will continually update the Campaign site to address the needs of New Jersey.